Thursday, March 24, 2011

A LogParser Input Plugin to Search an SVN Repository


Below is an example of how to write a custom LogParser input plugin, using SharpSvn to query an svn repository.

Download the LogParser.Svn project here. You will need Visual Studio 2010 Express to build it. Make sure that the build tab in the project properties has "Register for COM interop" checked. You will also need to download the latest build of SharpSvn and update the references in the project.

Any reference to examples refer to the following command line:

LogParser.exe -rtp:-1 -i:COM -iProgID:LogParser.Svn.SvnLogParserInputContext -iCOMParams:startDate=2010-01-01 "Select Count(1), Author From http://my.svn/repo/trunk Group By Author Order By Count(1)"

To start, create a new "Class Library" project in Visual Studio. I've called mine LogParser.Svn.

Next, we need to create copies of the COM interface and enum our code will use:

    public enum FieldType : int
        Integer = 1,
        Real = 2,
        String = 3,
        Timestamp = 4,
        Null = 5,

    public interface ILogParserInputContext
        void OpenInput(string from);
        int GetFieldCount();
        string GetFieldName(int index);
        FieldType GetFieldType(int index);
        bool ReadRecord();
        object GetValue(int index);
        void CloseInput(bool abort);

Now we need a class that implements the interface defined above. Let's start with the OpenInput method. This method will receive a string that is entered in the query given to LogParser that represents the "FROM" statement. Taking the command line above, it would receive a value of "http://my.svn/repo/trunk".

        public void OpenInput(string from)
//            System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch();

            _client = new SvnClient();
            _repository = from;

            SvnLogArgs args = new SvnLogArgs();

            if (_start.HasValue)
                if (_end.HasValue)
                    args.Range = new SvnRevisionRange(_start.Value, _end.Value);
                    args.Range = new SvnRevisionRange(new SvnRevision(_start.Value), SvnRevision.Head);
            else if (_end.HasValue)
                args.Range = new SvnRevisionRange(SvnRevision.Zero, new SvnRevision(_end.Value));

            if (_startDate.HasValue)
                if (_endDate.HasValue)
                    args.Range = new SvnRevisionRange(_startDate.Value, _endDate.Value);
                    args.Range = new SvnRevisionRange(new SvnRevision(_startDate.Value), SvnRevision.Head);
            else if (_endDate.HasValue)
                args.Range = new SvnRevisionRange(SvnRevision.Zero, new SvnRevision(_endDate.Value));

            _results = new List();

            _client.Log(new Uri(_repository), args, delegate(object sender, SvnLogEventArgs e)
                if (_splitFiles)
                    foreach (SvnChangeItem i in e.ChangedPaths)
                        object[] result = new object[6];

                        result[0] = e.Author;
                        result[1] = e.LogMessage;
                        result[2] = e.Revision;
                        result[3] = e.Time;
                        result[4] = i.Path;

                    object[] result = new object[6];

                    result[0] = e.Author;
                    result[1] = e.LogMessage;
                    result[2] = e.Revision;
                    result[3] = e.Time;

                    StringBuilder paths = new StringBuilder();

                    foreach (SvnChangeItem i in e.ChangedPaths)
                        paths.AppendFormat("{0};", i.Path);

                    result[4] = paths.ToString();



First, the code above creates a new SvnClient object, which we will us to view log messages. Next we create an SvnLogArgs object, and set the revision range we want. Finally, we call SvnClient.Log. In the delegate, we receive each log entry matching our SvnLogArgs object. We then create an array of values and store them in a List. Ideally, we would only prepare to receive a value, and then receive each entry during each call to ReadRecord, but I haven't gotten around to doing that (but it shouldn't be too difficult to change the code to work this way).

The next few methods are very straight forward:

        public int GetFieldCount()
            return 5;

        public string GetFieldName(int index)
            switch (index)
                case 0:
                    return "Author";
                case 1:
                    return "LogMessage";
                case 2:
                    return "Revision";
                case 3:
                    return "Time";
                case 4:
                    return "ChangedPaths";

            return null;

        public FieldType GetFieldType(int index)
            switch (index)
                case 0:
                    return FieldType.String;
                case 1:
                    return FieldType.String;
                case 2:
                    return FieldType.Integer;
                case 3:
                    return FieldType.Timestamp;
                case 4:
                    return FieldType.String;

            return FieldType.Null;

        public bool ReadRecord()
            return ++_rowNumber < _results.Count;

        public object GetValue(int index)
            return _results[_rowNumber][index];

        public void CloseInput(bool abort)

GetFieldCount returns how many fields your parser can return. GetFieldName returns what the field name is for a given index. GetFieldType returns the type of field for a given index. ReadRecord is where your plugin should advance to the next record, and return true if another record is found. GetValue returns the value of the specified field for the current record. CloseInput is called at the end, and is where you should do any cleanup needed.

You can also create some write-only properties that can be set on the command line using -iCOMParams:prop=value. See the attached code for an example.

I hope this helps people trying to start using SharpSvn or writing their own LogParser input plugin.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

.Net 4.0 MemoryCache with SqlChangeMonitor


There isn't a lot of documentation on the internet about how to use the SqlChangeMonitor with the new MemoryCache class in .Net 4.0, so I thought I would add my example:

Database Preparation

The first step is to prepare your database for SqlChangeMonitor. This feature uses the SQL Server Service Broker to setup a notification event that fires to notify when data changes that would change the returned recordset of a query, so we have to enable service broker on your database:


With that out of the way, we can continue on to setting up the cache in code…


public bool IsInMaintenanceMode()
 bool inMaintenanceMode;

 if (MemoryCache.Default["MaintenanceMode"] == null)
  CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy();

  string connStr = "MY CONNECTION STRING";


  using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr))
   using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select MaintenanceMode From dbo.Maintenance", conn))
    command.Notification = null;

    SqlDependency dep = new SqlDependency();



    inMaintenanceMode = (bool)command.ExecuteScalar();

    SqlChangeMonitor monitor = new SqlChangeMonitor(dep);


  MemoryCache.Default.Add("MaintenanceMode", inMaintenanceMode, policy);
  inMaintenanceMode = (bool)MemoryCache.Default.Get("MaintenanceMode");

 return inMaintenanceMode;

This code is a simple way to cache a value that specifies whether the application is currently in maintenance mode. The dbo.Maintenance table contains a single row with a single bit column. This code will allow your application to continuously check to see if it should go into maintenance mode, without hammering your database.

When the value changes in the database, the application receives a notification that it should invalidate the cache. Then, in the next call to IsInMaintenanceMode, MemoryCache.Default["MaintenanceMode"] returns null, causing it to re-register the notification. Just what we want.


  • You MUST call SqlDependency.Start first, otherwise it just doesn't work.
  • Your SQL Command MUST follow the guidelines located at There are lots of things to consider about how you build your query, so pay close attention to this document.
  • After adding your command object to the SqlDependency object, you MUST execute the command at least once, otherwise it will not register the notification.
  • After executing the command once, you can dispose of your connection. Behind the scenes, .Net will keep a connection open to your SQL server to listen for the notification.

I hope this helps some people out with dealing with this. I know I spent WAY too much time looking for documentation that just didn't exist.